Monday, July 12, 2010

first tri of season

yesterday i did my first tri of the season. i didn't set goals, since i really just wanted to get comfy with how i would be feeling. the big goal is that it would be the first time i used my clipless and not fall. check. no fall.

i ran naked(meaning no garmin) i did not time myself at all, the times are up but not the splits and i am dying to know my splits to start analyzing where i did well or not. the swim was rough - the waves were the biggest I have ever swam in - I am talking HUGE. I rode one in at the end and it literally washed me on shore and after the tri i was able to make my own mussel marinara with all the mussels that feel out of my suit.

full report later

UGHHHH - just learned that they did get splits for the tri, it was a new system and didn't work. damn...........


  1. bummer about not getting splits, oh well!

  2. Congrats on your frist tri of the season! Glad to hear you did not fall - that was my biggest fear when I did my first race with clipless pedals.

    Great job toughing it out on a rough swim. Too bad they missed the splits!

  3. Congrats! Glad you didn't fall in the clipless. that really sucks about the splits. I am looking forward to reading your full report though.

    I love racing naked!

  4. Yea for the first race being done! Sometimes it is nice to race naked. (Unfortunately for me I have no choice, lost the garmin!)

    Oh and yea for no falling -- I totally biffed it in my clips this morning!!!!!

  5. Well at least you got the first tri of the season out of the way.
    That is a bummer on the splits.
    When is your next race?


what are you triing

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